
  1. 国际域名(.com/ .net/ .org等归ICANN管辖的) 获得转移码或转移注册商受到阻碍。
  2. 注册商或代理商需要你邮寄身份证等资料才给转移码。
  3. 注册商或代理商需要你缴纳一定费用才给转移码
  4. 注册商或代理商玩太极的,易名中国eName、新网XinNet、新网互联DNS、商务中国bizCN、西部数码West263、花生壳Oray 、中国数据zgsj 等所有注册商。


  1. 无需邮寄任何资料,保护隐私。
  2. 无需缴纳什么费用,免费。
  3. 不看注册商的脸色,舒心。
  4. 只要注册人邮箱是你的,不管其他,就能转移出域名。
  5. 快速拿到转移码,转移出去。


  1. 到ICANN官方投诉
打开网址:http://reports.internic.net/cgi/registrars/problem-report. cgi

  1. Your name:名字,填写域名WHOIS的所有人
  2. Your organization (if any):填写域名WHOIS联系人
  3. Your email address:邮箱地址,填写域名WHOIS中的邮箱
  4. Your phone number (optional):电话号码
  5. Specific domain name:要投诉的域名,只能填写一个
  6. Please select your issue:写上您将要投诉的问题类型,我们选Transfer Problems – Auth Codes Locked Domain Fraudulent Transfer Registrar Denied Transfer,表示是域名转移相关的问题。
  7. brief summary:写上您的投诉事件简要描述即可。


Hello,I registered my domain xxxxxx.com at HICHINA ZHICHENG TECHNOLOGY LTD.I am not satisfied with their service and I want to transfer my domain to other.
I can't find any place on their site to get my Auth-Info code. Followed their FAQ, I found they require a paper form to be filled and mailed to their office with a hard copy of my official personal photo ID or/and passport. I feel very uncomfortable about this. I don't think they has authority to check my personal id and keep a hard copy, it contains lot of my privacy info. I believe this requirement is against both ICANN policy and local law.

Please help me getting my Auth-Info code from them. My domain info is listed below:(域名Whois 信息)


  1. 您的域名。
  2. 域名注册商名字,直接复制WHOIS信息中最顶部的注册商公司信息。
  3. 罗列域名的WHOIS信息。


  1. 注册商获取转移码的方法违反了ICANN的政策,作为一个隐私敏感者,我对此表示反感并请求ICANN帮忙解决。
  2. 大概1-5天内,即可收到注册商的回复邮件。如果,直接给您域名的转移码。那么,此事结束。如果,是玩太极的邮件。那么,直接再次重复向ICANN投诉。一次投诉不成,多投诉几次。 如果有邮件往来,一定要抄送给ICANN
  3. 成功率100%。





本文来自:www.去你妹的国内IDC.com 作者:佚名