长期以来 DockerHub 域名被污染限速,所以博主一直在使用国内的镜像,但自从2024年5月末开始,国内所有 Docker 镜像服务均被迫下架,涵盖了阿里云镜像服务、上海交通大学镜像服务等,没办法了,只能建立自己的镜像使用了。


  1. 登录到CF的仪表盘 https://dash.cloudflare.com/
  2. 点击 workers-and-pages > 创建应用程序 > 创建 Worker > 点击保存 >点击完成 > 编辑代码
  3. 填入下面的代码

    const HTML = `
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="zh-CN">
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
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             padding: 20px;
             background-image: url('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/fireinrain/picx-images-hosting@master/20240608/wp8114669-docker-wallpapers.5h6dvj56isg0.webp'); /* Replace with your image path */
             background-size: cover;
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     <div class="container">
         <h3>为了加速镜像拉取,你可以使用以下命令设置 registry mirror:</h3>
    sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json &lt;&lt;EOF
     "registry-mirrors": ["https://docker.yourdomain.workers.dev"]
    EOF</code><button class="copy-button" onclick="copyCode(this)">复制代码</button></pre>
    docker pull library/alpine:latest</code><button class="copy-button" onclick="copyCode(this)">复制代码</button></pre>
    docker pull 你的域名/library/alpine:latest</code><button class="copy-button" onclick="copyCode(this)">复制代码</button></pre>
         function copyCode(button) {
             const code = button.previousSibling;
             const textArea = document.createElement('textarea');
             textArea.value = code.textContent;
             button.textContent = '已复制';
             setTimeout(() => {
                 button.textContent = '复制代码';
             }, 2000);
    async function handleRequest(request) {
      const url = new URL(request.url);
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       url.protocol = "https:";
       return Response.redirect(url.toString(), 301);
      const path = url.pathname;
      const originalHost = request.headers.get("host");
      const registryHost = "registry-1.docker.io";
      if (path.startsWith("/v2/")) {
       const headers = new Headers(request.headers);
       headers.set("host", registryHost);
       const registryUrl = `https://${registryHost}${path}`;
       const registryRequest = new Request(registryUrl, {
           method: request.method,
           headers: headers,
           body: request.body,
           redirect: "follow",
       const registryResponse = await fetch(registryRequest);
       const responseHeaders = new Headers(registryResponse.headers);
       responseHeaders.set("access-control-allow-origin", originalHost);
       responseHeaders.set("access-control-allow-headers", "Authorization");
       return new Response(registryResponse.body, {
           status: registryResponse.status,
           statusText: registryResponse.statusText,
           headers: responseHeaders,
      } else {
       // Replace docker.yourdomain.workers.dev with the current visiting domain
       const replacedHTML = HTML.replaceAll('docker.yourdomain.workers.dev', originalHost);
       // Remove background-image from btn-copy buttons
       const modifiedHTML = replacedHTML.replace(/background-image:\s*url\(.*?\)/g, '');
       return new Response(modifiedHTML, {
           status: 200,
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    addEventListener("fetch", event => {
  4. 然后点右上角蓝色按钮 Deploy(以后可能会变成其他地方或者颜色)部署即可。
  5. 现在就可以测试使用了。

    docker pull docker.yourdomain.workers.dev/library/nginx


  1. 因为 Workers 默认域名被污染了,国内无法使用,所以还得使用自己的域名,建议去搞数字.xyz,10年才几十块
  2. 然后就是绑定域名到 Cloudflare ,这不是本文重点。
  3. 接着是新增路由。


docker pull yourdomain/library/nginx