302SH/303SH 想 Root 的参考这里:想ROOT的点击这里
- ROM作者:逗妇乳
- 发布时间:2016/2/15
- 更新时间:
版本 6.1
- 修复自带相机不能用
- 修复越南语、泰语、韩语等显示为空白
- 更新酷市场为最新版
版本 3.1
- 加入原生相机和相册,并汉化了夏普相机
- 加入 @303SH@差评 的汉化版 3-Line 桌面,并修正部分汉化
- 修改在 3-Line 桌面时,虚拟键切换成应用快捷方式(电话、短信、浏览器)
- 移除了小米桌面
- 加入联想通讯录(默认存于 data 区,可删除但不建议)
- 替换夏普计算器为 4.4 原生计算器
- 替换音乐播放器为第三方应用
- 修改闹钟为锤子闹钟
- 加入快捷功能到桌面快捷方式
- 修正设置中多处入口错误
版本 2.21
- 加入大量翻译修正
- 修复省电模式与无线投影
- 修复最近任务样式不可用的问题
- 加入短信和 Apex 桌面,保留 miui 桌面二选一
版本 2.15
- 汉化了设置、通知栏、框架、拨号、联系人、浏览器等模块
- 替换 APN 设置,联通 2G/3G/4G 测试正常(移动未测)
- 默认开启 USB 调试
- 精简 ROM 大小并修复部分问题
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mjLmbMw 密码: 64zy
广东省劳务局 活着就好、、 xiaoyuyu2016 roytam1
兄弟,请问303sh 可以升级到4.4.2的版本么?
Could you please share me the stock clocl and download manager? Without stoc download manager, ai cant download any from from Google Play :((
It would be high appreciated if you have stock rom zip flashable, so I can do some research on it? Thanks you so much!!
I have found that i delete the download manager by accident. Please flash the newest rom.
Dear Ryan. You are amazing!Last night I tried and was get into recovery mode succesfully, and I flash this rom again without any google play service . So right now everything is fixed. Right now Im trying to download gapps for him, but seem every gapps are too conflit with system, so at this time I cant run G Play. Im trying to search for suitable gapps for this s800 jelly bean. And Im looking forward to your update on this rom. About FC when touch som component in Setting, I think it was because u removed stock clock app, so I wish you can keep stock app that relative to setting part into a folder, other ur farouvite app like Smartisan clock should be keep on homescreen like normal :)
Thank you Ryan. U are the only person on this planet make rom for xx mini ;-)
Please bro, update your great rom. This rom doesnt have pre-installed file manager app, and it doesnt have Google Play. Please pre-installed Quick boot to easily booting to recovery mode too!
When you press New message Notification, and Timer in Setting/Sound, the Setting will forced closed. :-[
Please fix it. This is very nice rom, smooth and remove all Japanese app that doesnt neccessary. I love it!
Official File Manager can find in Content Manager.
I have removed all GApps because they can't be used on mainland china.
You can get stock GApps on http://opengapps.org/.
Please I need to flash rom again. After full reset this rom dont have any file manager. I cant download quick boot to boot to recovery mode... could anybody help me how to boot to Recovery mod on Sharp 303?
Long press power button to power off your phone.
Then, long press power button.
When phone vibrate, quick press power button serval times.
Then you can boot to recovery mode.
Hello guys? Please help me download link? I need rom for 303SH, and need root..
ROOT: Download link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gfHOdmb Password: 26cc
ROM: Download link: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1boQwrk Password: qz9v
Thank you Ryan, Pan Baidu is so slow but thank you for share :D downloading
Download link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/znkidz961vv8d5r/SBM303SH_MIN_ZH_CN_2.0_BETA5.zip?dl=0
Can you send me roomcook 303sh ( new and great )
Thank you so much, I downloaded and flashed it already, it seem a good rom :) From Cambodia, and wish developers will continue to cook stable rom for this 303sh :d xiaxia
I have tried uploading to dropbox via 35kb/s...
You know, it's difficult to use international service on mainland China. :)
反馈一个问题 由于刷机包里面精简了DownloadProvider.apk和DownloadProviderUI.apk所以 用内置浏览器和X浏览器无法下载 uc浏览器是可以下载的 希望发布下一个版本时修复
想知道这个系统的字体是什么? 我不想刷机 想直接只换个字体
Aktiv Grotesk JTHC
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bo4O0aF 密码: w1qr
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1b6mvZC 密码: 7n43
博主你好,我这里有一个原厂303SH的仅root-twrp备份系统(S0030),请问你需要吗 ?需要的话麻烦你给我发个邮件,我分享给你。文件体积875.7mb。